LV-WAE Agusta A109A Mk.II c/n 7314

LV-WAE Agusta A109A Mk.II c/n 7314 
N109BQ, Test reg. 12.1990
 - N reg. cancelled as exported to ARGENTINA  01.03.1993
LV-WAE Haras La Madrugada SA, 27.04.93.
 - Flight Express SA / Modena Air Service, 10.2018
 - FLIGHT EXPRESS S.A. 07.05.2018

LV-WAG Fairchild Swearingen SA227-AC Metro III c/n AC-543B

LV-WAG Fairchild Swearingen SA227-AC Metro III c/n AC-543B
 - build as SA226-AT Merlin IV A c/n AT-543
First flew: 1982  
N31101 Swearingen 1982
D-CKVW Volkswagenwerk AG 02.1983
 - Bat-Air Flugdienst 12.1986
D-CKVW, NFD - Nürnberger Flugdienst 01.1987
 - Converted to SA227-AC Metro III c/n AC-543B 11.1987
 - Eurowings merged 1/1/93
N107AS BPT Title Co. 10.05.1993
 - N reg. cancelled as exported to BRAZIL 02.06.1993

LV-WAG, SAPSE - Servicios Aéreos Patagónicos S.E. (Alas Rionegrinas) 05.1993
 - AL ceased 1997
 - pkd / almacenado en Viedma. 1997-2018
 - Baires Fly S.A.,
 - transportado a FDO para puesto en vuelo 2018
 - En vuelo 15.04.2022
 - Dosmil Aerosistema (CEDMA Aviación)

(LV-WAH) Fairchild Swearingen SA227-AC Metro III c/n AC-651

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(LV-WAH) Fairchild Swearingen SA227-AC Metro III c/n AC-651
First flew: 07.86  
N2687U Galaxy Airplane Distributor Inc. 08.1986
D-CABI Bat-Air 06.1987
 - NFD - Nürnberger Flugdienst 02.07.87
 - Eurowings merged 01.01.1993
(LV-WAH), SAPSE - (Alas Rionegrinas) 29.05.93 ntu.
N97HG BPT Title Co. 21.09.93
 - Aero Mobil 10.1993
EC-583, Swiftair S.A. 02.1994
EC-FXD, Swiftair rr 08.1994  
W/O - Accidentado en Barcelona, España, 28.07.98. - pérdida de control debida a la excesiva reducción de velocidad durante el aterrizaje con tren abajo y un motor inoperativo, 2 víctimas fatales, sin sobrevivientes.

LV-WAV Garlick-Bell UH-1B c/n 1057

LV-WAV  Garlick-Bell UH-1B c/n 1057 
64-13933 to MASDC as XA0043 Sep 8, 1973.
HF0095 Sep 5, 1979
 - conv from Bell UH-1B-BF Iroquois to Garlick-Bell UH-1B
LV-WAV Servicios Especiales SA (SESA) 08.06.93, Mendoza Argentina
W/O - Accidentado próximo a Concepcion, Tucuman. 15.08.96 - Pérdida de control e impacto seguido de incendio en un río seco, en condiciones visuales y sin plan de vuelo. Dos tripulantes y seis pasajeros pierden la vida.

Douglas "Jet-Powered Transports" en Argentina

Extractado de: www.abcdlist

LV-WAW Douglas DC-9-32 c/n 47260/410

LV-WAW Douglas DC-9-32 c/n 47260/410
First flew: 15.10.68
N1265L Delta Air Lines 21.11.68
- wfu sAtlanta, 05.92
- McDonnell Douglas Corp. bt 17.06.92,
- s06.92 Bangor, 11.92
- Tel Aviv/MDD reg canc 06.93
LV-WAW Austral Líneas Aéreas lsd 01.07.93
- sis 25.11.93,
- Wfu - sMIA white 17.12.94
N530MD McDonnell Douglas Corp. ret 15.12.94
N919VV Valujet Airlines 27.03.95 r05.95/rr 08.95/
 - sKingman 18.10.96/sis 02.03.97
 - AirTran Airways nn 24.09.97
N819AT AirTran Airways rr 29.01.99,
 - s pkd remote from AirTran hangar, Orlando MCO 13.03.02,
 - canc 11.12.02 pwfu,
 - s27.05.03 minus parts
Permanently WFU
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LV-WAX Douglas DC-9-32 c/n 47262/412

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LV-WAX Douglas DC-9-32 c/n 47262/412
First flew: 17.10.68
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N1267L Delta Air Lines 23.11.68
 - wfu 29.06.92 sBangor,
- McDonnell Douglas Corp. 29.06.92,
- MD reg canc 06.93
LV-WAX Austral Líneas Aéreas lsd 01.07.93
- sis 25.11.93,
- wfu s MIA 15.05.95
N529MD McDonnell Douglas Corp. ret 14.05.95 r6.95
N920VV Valujet Airlines 01.07.95
- rr 02.96,
- s17.03.96
SCR - Fuselage trucked from Lake City, FL to Greenwood, MS on 05.05.97,
 - s11.07.97
 - Fuselage only other parts gone. 01.08.97,
B/U - brup Lake City FL repo 10.97
- s white, nose cut off for flight training, wings, tail id gone. 05.12.97
 - Seen 01.04.98.

LV-WBL Hughes 500D/369D c/n 280262D

LV-WBL Hughes 500D/369D c/n 280262D
N58209, HEMISPHERE TRADING INC 29.04.1980 
 -  N-Reg. cancelled as exported to CHILE 29.04.1980 
LV-WBL Andes Aviación 20.10.1993. 

LV-WBN Aerospatiale 350B Ecureuil > 350BA c/n 2517
LV-WBN Aerospatiale 350B Ecureuil > 350BA c/n 2517 
First flew: 1991
F-WYMJ, Aerospatiale 1991
(JA6096), ntu 
F-WYMK, Aerospatiale
LV-WBN, Tecnocopter
CP-2335, Helicópteros Marinos SA, 2008

C-GCHX Custom Helicopters Ltd 16.12.2005
 - Canadian Coast Guard 2019

LV-WBO Boeing 737-244 c/n 20330/257

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LV-WBO Boeing 737-244 c/n 20330/257
First flew: 22.05.70
ZS-SBP, South African Airway 27.05.70
LV-WBO, LAPA - Líneas Aéreas Privadas Argentinas 20.07.93
 - s LAPA col/reg 17.7.93,
 - wfu sEZE 09.09.99,
 - fuselage seen 02.2001,
SCR - brup already 04.2001

LV-WBP Learjet 25G c/n 25-337

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LV-WBP Learjet 25G c/n 25-337
N3810G, 05.1981
N937GL Converted from Learjet 25D to Learjet 25G
 - Annedeen Hosiery Mill Inc 00.10.85
 - MacPherson Monogram Inc 00.11.89
 - Ethox Chemicals Inc 00.01.92
 - Martin Aviation Inc 00.02.92
N337GL, Martin Aviation Inc 00.05.92 re-rgd
 - Evans Management Service Corporation 00.10.92
 - Duncan Aviation Inc 00.05.93
 - reg canx 00.06.93
LV-WBP, American Jet S.A. 30.06.93
N14CK, Pacific International Credit & Management 29.09.00,
 - reg canx 13.08.07
XA-UKK, Aero JL S. A. 13.08.07 C

LV-WCF Bell 206L-3 Long Ranger c/n 51364

LV-WCF Bell 206L-3 Long Ranger c/n 51364 
First flew: 1990
LV-WCF Capital Jet S.A., / Ranger 4 09.08.93. 
 - Accidentado. Reparado 

LV-WCV Casa 212-200 Aviocar c/n 263

Foto: (Carlos A. García, Río Gallegos)
LV-WCV  Casa 212-200 Aviocar c/n 263
First flew: 21.09.82
N427CA, Prinair lsd 05.83   
 - own American CASA USA 29.12.82,
 - own ALC 12.84, LBI reposs 2.86
 - American Int Avtn 03.86
 - American Eagle-Executive AC 09.87
 - own IIL, Simmon 1.93,
 - Saab AcH 25.01.93,
 - str Crestview FL 1.93

LV-WCV, El Pingüino Líneas Aéreas  02.94
 - Saab AH repo 7.96
N263MA, Murray Avtn 19.08.96  
ZS-OWR, Naturelink 11.07.02
 - canc 15.01.04 exported
9U-BHL, Kivu Air 15.01.04
 - sWonderboom 29.11.03 Kivu Air titles inside tail logo
9Q-CCW, Kivu Air rr    s10.01.05
N499SP, SAMARITAN'S PURSE, 20.04.2007
 - frd Luxor--REK 01-02.05.07

LV-WCW, Beech C90B King Air c/n LJ-1340

Air-Britain: Photographic Images Collection
LV-WCW, Beech C90B King Air c/n LJ-1340
First flew: 1993
LV-PGL pasavante 01.07.1993
LV-WCW Las Matildes Flights S.A. 14.04.1994
N10799 Raytheon rg 1996
D-IIWB Brandner Sport Prod 26.06.1996
 - Kornmark 02.1998 (not confirmed)
 - ACH Hamburg GmbH & Co 1998
 - Spitzke Flug GmbH
 - Elytra Charter
N24TF Central Florida Air Charters LLC 17.10.2009
OK-PRG Sky Air s.r.o. 20.12.2011
N449AM Avtran LLC, Clayton MO 22.11.2021, (Europe based). 
 - Operated by Airlink from 07.2022
 - Executive Airlink

LV-WCZ British Aerospace BAe3212 Jetstream c/n 832

LV-WCZ British Aerospace BAe3212 Jetstream c/n 832
G-31-832 British Aerospace Public Limited Company, first flew 07.12.1988
C-FTAR Air Canada Connector opb Air Toronto 02.03.1989
 - lsd from Soundair Corporation 14.03.1989 
 - lsd from Soundair Corporation rr 10.04.1989
 - wfu 31.12.1991
 - Barclays Canada Leasing Corp. 10.03.1992 
 - sGodrich, BCL repo 04.1992
 - Aircraft Removed from the Canadian Register as Exported to: ARGENTINA 03.09.1993
LV-PGO LAER - Lineas Aéreas Entre Ríos lsd 07.1993
LV-WCZ LAER - Lineas Aéreas Entre Ríos "Rio Gualeguay" rr 23.02.1994
 - Wfu - AL ceased 04.2002
 - s str Kingman 11.08.2002
 - s25.08.2003 fc
CP-2441 SAVE - Servicio Aéreo Vargas España - s11.10.2003 
 - Wfu 2005
STD frd to Tamiami by 10.2003,
 - s11.10.2003 rrgd, still full LAER col