LV-AAT, Noorduyn UC-64A Norseman, c/n 165

LV-AAT, Noorduyn UC-64A Norseman, c/n 165
43-5174, USAAF
 - kept at Noorduyn for 23 months for extensive flight tests. These tests included various float and landing gear configurations. Most were flown by Duncan McClaren.
NC58409, South American Trading Corporation., New York, NY.
 - Civil convertion at All American Aviation Company, Dupont Airfield, Wilmington, Delaware.
 - Compañía Argentina De Aeronavegación Dodero, 22 may 1946
 - Ferried by Alan Wingate from DuPont Field, Wilmington, Delaware to Buenos Aires on June 6, 1946, arriving June 29 at Presidente Rivadavia Airport, Morón, Buenos Aires.
- Three other aircraft (c/n 219, 341 and 798) also went to Argentina at this time.
LV-AAT, Compañía Argentina De Aeronavegación Dodero, 19.08.46
 - A.L.F.A. - Aviación del Litoral Fluvial Argentino 25.01.47
LV-FES Alfonso Pepe Vicente 03.10.51
 - incidentado en San Justo 31.10.51

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