LV-CPC Learjet 60 c/n 60-062

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LV-CPC Learjet 60 c/n 60-062
N5012H 06.1995
N5006T, Valley Jet Corporation 00.12.1995
N707SG, Valley Jet Corporation 00.08.1997 not taken up, but taped on
N707SQ, Valley Jet Corporation 00.09.1997 re-rgd
 - Learjet Inc 16.01.1998 trade-in for c/n 60-109
 - Bombardier Capital Inc 18.03.1998,
 - reg canx 31.03.1998
C-GLRS, Bombardier Capital Inc 01.04.1998 re-rgd
- Skyservice Aviation Inc 27.01.2003
N62BX, Bombardier Aerospace Corporation 08.09.2004
 - Fortune Fashions Industries LLC 17.02.2005
N551BD, Fortune Fashions Industries LLC 12.05.2005 re-rgd
 - FFI Properties Inc 29.02.2008
 - Key Equipment Finance Inc 21.12.2010
 - Aerocraft International Inc 25.02.2011
 - N Reg. cancelled as exported to ARGENTINA 29.03.2011

LV-CPC Pacific Ocean S.A., a London Supply Group company 20.04.2011

LV-CPH, Boeing 737-7Q8 c/n 28238/817

LV-CPH, Boeing 737-7Q8 c/n 28238/817
First flew: 28.03.01
N1787B, Boeing Co. 03.2001
N1791B, Boeing Co. rr 04.2001
VH-VBA, Virgin Blue Airlines lsd 27.04.01
- CONV. 737-7Q8/W
ILFC, r4.4.01, to Christchurch 31.01.05 to paintshop,
- s07.09.07 winglets,
- last svc 19.03.11,
- frd to Kuala Lumpur SZB 20.03.11 for maintenance and lse return
- sSZB 26.04.11 nc,
N711LF, ILFC - International Lease Finance Corp. 03.05.2011,
- canc 18.05.11,
LV-CPH, Aerolíneas Argentinas lsd 28.05.2011
- frd SZB--BCN 21/22.05.11
N7850B Southwest Airlines - 20.05.2016

LV-CPI Embraer ERJ190AR c/n 19000457

LV-CPI Embraer ERJ190AR c/n 19000457
PT-TNY Embraer - Empresa Brasileira de Aeronáutica SA 2011
LV-CPI Austral Líneas Aéreas 16.09.2011 C
 - Aerolíneas Argentinas, 01.12.2020

LV-CPJ Embraer ERJ190AR c/n 19000463

LV-CPJ Embraer ERJ190AR c/n 19000463
PT-TOG Embraer - Empresa Brasileira de Aeronáutica SA 2011
LV-CPJ Austral Líneas Aéreas 23.09.2011 C
 - Aerolíneas Argentinas, 01.12.2020

LV-CPK Embraer ERJ190AR c/n 19000474

Ver fotos:
LV-CPK Embraer ERJ190AR c/n 19000474
PT-TOV Embraer - Empresa Brasileira de Aeronáutica SA 2011
LV-CPK Austral Líneas Aéreas 23.09.2011 C
 - Aerolíneas Argentinas, 01.12.2020

LV-CPL Learjet 60 c/n 60-044

LV-CPL Learjet 60 c/n 60-044
N5044N, A.S.C. Inc 00.04.1995
N618R, A.S.C. Inc 00.06.1995 re-rgd
 - CIT Leasing Corporation 00.12.1996
 - ZB Industries Inc 00.12.1996 lsd
 - General Electric Capital Corporation 06.03.2002
 - Contessa Food Products 26.12.2001 (lsd for 10 years)
N613R, General Electric Capital Corporation 03.06.2005 re-rgd
 - Tri-Marine International Inc 04.10.2005

N668RC, Tri-Marine International Inc 25.07.2006 re-rgd
  - Tri-Marine Logistics LLC 27.01.2011,
 - N Reg. cancelled as exported to ARGENTINA 23.05.2011

LV-CPL Baires Fly S.A. 23.06.2011
 - Patagonia Flight Services,
 - Baires Fly S.A. 05.09.2018

LQ-CPS, Learjet 45 c/n 45-094

LQ-CPS, Learjet 45 c/n 45-094
N300JE Learjet Inc. 01.2000
 - Eckerd Fleet Inc 23.09.2000
 - Air Wolff III LLC 15.11.2007
N800WC, Air Wolff III LLC 09.01.2008 re-rgd
 - Colorado Jet Sales LLC 03.05.2011
N49CJ, Colorado Jet Sales LLC 03.05.2011 re-rgd,
 - N Reg. cancelled as exported to ARGENTINA 03.06.2011 
LQ-CPS, Dirección Provincial de Aeronáutica, Provincia de Santiago del Estero, 03.06.2011

LV-CQA, Beech B300 (350) Super King Air c/n FL-81

LV-CQA, Beech B300 (350) Super King Air c/n FL-81 
First flew: 1992
N8053R, US Bancorp Leasing & Financial 00.07.1992
 - General Electric Capital Corporation 00.01.1994
 - Elliott Aviation Aircraft Sales Inc 00.09.1994

 N507EB Elliott Flying Service Inc. 08.11.1994
 - Wachovia Leasing Corp 27.03.1995
 - BLC Corporation 25.08.2000
 - Central & South West Services 25.08.2000 lsd for 10 years
 - LSPI Exchange Corporation 10.08.2001, lsd back to WLC
 - JRW Aviation Inc 29.01.2002
 - Whistler Aviation Group LLC 20.04.2006
N507WG Whistler Aviation Group LLC 09.2006 but NTU - not taken up
N507EB Harley-Davidson Credit Corporation 22.04.2011
 - South Aviation Inc 19.05.2011
 - N Reg. cancelled as exported to ARGENTINA 22.06.2011
LV-CQA, Caldenes S.A. 25.07.2011

LV-CQI Piper PA-31-350 Navajo Chieftain c/n 31-7552026

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LV-CQI Piper PA-31-350 Navajo Chieftain c/n 31-7552026 
First flew: 1975
C-FANB North Cariboo Flying Service 11.87
 - Central Mountain Air
N31KA John P. Cartwright 29.06.98
 - Livingston Aviation Inc 12.07.99
 - Wilson & Wilson International LLC 09.07.04
 - Lock Haven Aircraft Sales 12.10
 - N-Reg. cancelled as exported to ARGENTINA 25.07.2011
LV-CQI Cardinal Point SA 08.2011

LV-CQK, Cessna 650 Citation III c/n 650-0093

LV-CQK, Cessna 650 Citation III c/n 650-0093
N693CC Cessna Aircraft Co. 1986
N773M, Cessna Aircraft Company 00.04.1986
 - Marshall & Ilsley Bank 00.06.1986
 - Cessna Aircraft Company 00.01.1993
N93VP, Cessna Aircraft Company 00.10.1993
N222GT, Cessna Aircraft Company 00.02.1994
 - Tsai Management Inc 00.03.1994
 - Wings Aviation International Inc 02.06.1997
 - Executive Jet Sales Inc 00.09.1997
 - sSouthampton 11.09.1997
 - reg canx 08.06.1998
CS-DND, Air Luxor/Netjets Europe 03.07.1998
 - reg canx 01.07.1999
N196SG, Executive Jet Sales Inc 01.07.1999
 - SD Aviation Investments Inc 03.08.1999

N196SD, SD Aviation Investments Inc 09.12.1999
 - Southern Cross Ranch LLC 16.10.2002
 - Vesey Air LLC 15.03.2004, (lsd back to Southern Cross Ranch LLC)
 - Sarsam LLC 26.10.2005
 - Angel Air III Inc 04.01.2008
 - Marelo Christian Demaria Inc 04.01.2012
 - N-Reg. cancelled as exported to ARGENTINA 24.01.2012  
LV-CQK, Patagonian Air S.A. 24.01.2012
 - Cielos de América (Patagonian new name/Daniel Eduardo Vila)

LQ-CQN Airbus Helicopters H135 (EC 135 T2+ /135 T2i) c/n 0973

Foto :
LQ-CQN Airbus Helicopters H135 (EC 135 T2+ /135 T2i) c/n 0973 
D-HCBR Test reg. 2011
LQ-CQN Policía Federal Argentina, Cuerpo Federal de Aviación. "H-12" 06.2011
 - s/Sauce Viejo durante la búsqueda de los prófugos Lanatta y Schillaci, 10.01.16

LV-CQO Airbus Helicopters (MBB) Bo 105 CBS-4 c/n S-780

LV-CQO Airbus Helicopters (MBB) Bo 105 CBS-4 c/n S-780
N50588 Chevron USA Inc. 11.07.1988
 - CHEVRON USA INC 02.06.2006
 - N-reg. cancelled as exported to CHILE 17.07.2006 
CC-CVY Helifire Ltda. 2006
LV-CQO Helimedical

LV-CQP, Cessna 501 Citation I/SP c/n 501-0200

Ver Fotos:
LV-CQP, Cessna 501 Citation I/SP c/n 501-0200 
N6783L, Martin Aviation Inc 00.09.1981
 - General Aviation Service Inc 00.07.1982
 - reg canx 09.1982
7Q-YTL, Limbe Leaf Tobacco Company Ltd 00.00.1982
 - del RKV-SNN-GVA 27.05.1982 as N6783L
N47TL, Tango Lima Inc 00.01.1993
 - CardioAir Inc 00.03.1995
 - Citation One Investors LLC 00.05.1997
 - PNC Leasing Corp  00.12.1997
 - Corporate Aircraft Services 15.10.1997 lsd
 - PNC Leasing LLC 19.10.1999
 - DeVivo Asset Management Company LLC 20.10.2000
 - TLC@57 LLC 29.03.2001 rgd,
 - co-owned by DeVivo Asset Management Co LLC Jim Lafferty Aircraft Sales Inc 18.11.2003
 - National Marketing & Management Services LLC 26.11.2003
 - Eagle Air LLC 05.05.2005
 - Sunset Vacations Corp 12.09.2006
 - South Aviation Inc 25.03.2010
 - Reg. cancelled as exported to ARGENTINA 22.07.2011 
LV-CQP, Jetway S.A. 22.07.2011
 -  Aeronáutica S.A

LV-CQS, Airbus A320-233 c/n 1526

LV-CQS, Airbus A320-233 c/n 1526
First flew: 19.06.01
F-WWIM Airbus Industrie 06.2001
CC-COI LAN Chile - Línea Aérea Nacional de Chile 10.08.01
 - LAN Express - Línea Aérea Nacional de Chile ??
 - sGRU LAN Express-tit 08.12.02 (prob slsd much sooner)
 - LAN Chile - Línea Aérea Nacional de Chile 2002
 - LAN Airlines 17.06.04
LV-CQS, LAN Argentina SA tfd 17.12.11 
 - LATAM Airlines Argentina 05.05.2016
 - LAN ARGENTINA S.A. informó el cese de sus actividades el 17.06.2020.
STD - estacionado en AEP 06.2020.

LV-CQV, Cessna Citation Bravo, c/n 550-1095

LV-CQV, Cessna Citation Bravo, c/n 550-1095
N336CS Cessna Aircraft Co. 04.2004
 - CitationShares Sales Inc 28.10.2004
 - Bradshaw Holdings Inc 28.02.2005 (CitationShares)
 - CitationShares Sales Inc 01.02.2006
 - GAB Investment Company LLC 12.02.2007 (CitationShares)
 - CitationShares Sales Inc 06.06.2007
 - Management LLC 18.07.2007 (CitationShares)
 - CitationShares Sales Inc 16.01.2009
 - CitationShares, rgd again 06.11.2009
 - CitationShares Sales Inc 12.01.2010
 - Cessna Aircraft Company 13.01.2011
 - N-Reg. cancelled as exported to ARGENTINA 08.08.2011

LV-CQV Vittal - Socorro Médico Privado S.A./MacAir Jet S.A., 08.08.2011

LV-CRB, Learjet 60XR c/n 60-396

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LV-CRB, Learjet 60XR c/n 60-396
N50126 Learjet Inc. 02.2011
N396LJ, Learjet Inc 01.04.11
LV-CRB Alas del Fin del Mundo SRL 27.10.11
N695SC Southern Cross Aircraft LLC 24.05.16

LV-CRC, Learjet 60XR c/n 60-360

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LV-CRC, Learjet 60XR c/n 60-360
N5012G Learjet Inc. 08.2008
OE-GVT VistaJet Luftfahrtunternehmen GmbH 04.12.08
 - frd via SNN on del.
 - reg canx 00.10.11
N809SD Bombardier Aerospace Corporation 14.10.11

Ver Fotos:
LV-CRC Alas del Fin del Mundo S.R.L. 15.11.12
N360SN Southern Cross Aircraft LLC 24.05.16
 - Tailwinds LLC 23.07.16

LV-CRI, Dassault Falcon 900 c/n 47

LV-CRI, Dassault Falcon 900 c/n 47
A6-ZKM, Government of Abu Dhabi/Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan 15.01.89
 - sLHR in United Arab Emirates Govt-c/s
F-WQBJ, Dassault Aviation S. A. 22.11.00
 - sLBG, 
F-GOFC rq but NTU
F-GNMF, Dassault Aviation S. A. 23.07.01
F-WQBK, Dassault Aviation S. A. 03.07.05
N678CH, Dassault Falcon Jet Corporation 13.07.05
 - CH Flyers LLC 28.09.05 rgd 29.09.05
 - Inter Air Leasing LLC 15.07.11 rgd 13.09.11
 - reg canx 17.01.12
LV-CRI, Servicios Aeronáuticos Privados S.A./MILLENIUM AIR S.A., 27.01.12
N687HS Southfield LLC 22.04.16 C rgd

LV-CRL, Cessna 560 Citation V, c/n 560-0057

LV-CRL, Cessna 560 Citation V, c/n 560-0057 
N560BL B & L Properties 00.05.90
 - Integrity Aircraft 00.12.91
N561BC Integrity Aircraft 00.02.92
 - International Bank Commerce 00.03.92
 - Southern Aircraft & Transportation Company 00.03.94
 - International Bank Commerce Southern Aircraft & Transportation Company 00.03.96
 - International Bank Commerce 03.02.99
N561TS Southern Aircraft & Transportation Company 01.06.01
 - Sanchez Oil & Gas Corp 10.07.07
N553SC Sanchez Oil & Gas Corp 21.07.08 
 - Aircraft Guaranty Corp 18.12.09
 - Aerocraft International Inc 15.07.11
 - N reg. cancelled as exported to ARGENTINA 08.09.2011
LV-CRL Quality Air S.A. 21.11.11

LV-CSC, Boeing 737-7Q8/W c/n 30630/1032

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LV-CSC, Boeing 737-7Q8/W c/n 30630/1032
First flew: 03.12.2001
VH-VBF, Virgin Blue Airlines lsd (ILFC) 17.12.2001
 - s22.08.07 winglets
 - Virgin Australia AL nn 04.05.2011
 - last svc 08.11.2011,
 - frd to SZB 12.11.2011 for lse return
 - Australia canc 17.02.2012
N351LF, ILFC/Wells Fargo Bank 16.12.2011,
LV-CSC, Aerolíneas Argentinas lsd 17.02.2012
 - frd SZB--EZE 25/28.02.2012
N7856A Southwest Airlines 10.02.2017

LV-CSD, Airbus A340-313E c/n 123

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LV-CSD, Airbus A340-313E  c/n 123 
First flew: 25.03.1996
F-WWJK Airbus Industrie 01.1996
9V-SJA Singapore Airlines 17.04.1996
B-HXM Cathay Pacific Airways 04.06.2001
 - r/oHamburg fcs 13.06.2001,
 - frd-->VCV 27.07.2009,
 - frd-->HKG 19.05.2011,
 - frd-->XMN 25.07.2011,
 - sHKG Aerolíneas Argentinas-fcs 11.09.2011
 - ret lessor 12.2011
LV-CSD Aerolíneas Argentinas lsd 19.12.2011 
WFU 15.12.2017

LV-CSE, Airbus A340-313E c/n 126

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LV-CSE, Airbus A340-313E c/n 126 
First flew: 29.03.96
F-WWJL Airbus Industrie 11.1995
9V-SJB Singapore Airlines 24.04.96
 - sSin 29.4
B-HXN Cathay Pacific Airways 06.07.01
 - frd-->Hamburg for paint 06.07.01,
 - back to HongKong 18.07.01,
 - frd-->VCV str 20.08.09,
 - frd-->XMN 01.04.11,
 - frd-->HKG 25.08.11,
 - ret lessor 12.11
LV-CSE Aerolíneas Argentinas lsd 08.01.12
 - WFU 15.09.16
Permanently WFU at Victorville (CA)

LV-CSF, Airbus A340-313E c/n 128

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LV-CSF, Airbus A340-313E c/n 128 
First flew: 30.05.1996
F-WWJZ Airbus Industrie 11.1995
9V-SJC Singapore Airlines 21.06.1996
 - sSingapore SAL cs no tit no taillogo 01.2009
B-HXO Cathay Pacific Airways 19.12.2001
 - sis AMS 19.12.2001,
 - frd-->VCV &
 - str 07.09.2009,
 - frd-->XMN 15.06.2011,
 - frd-->HKG Aerolíneas Argentinas-cs 12.12.2011,
 - ret lessor 02.12
LV-CSF Aerolíneas Argentinas lsd 17.02.2012
 - C depXMN td 
WFU at San Bernardino (CA) 03.02.2018 

LV-CSI, Boeing 737-7Q8/W c/n 30707/975

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LV-CSI, Boeing 737-7Q8/W c/n 30707/975 
First flew: 01.10.2001
N1786B, Boeing Co.
VH-VBD, Virgin Blue Airlines "Sassy Sydney" lsd (ILFC) 17.10.2001
 - s01.09.07 winglets
 - Virgin Australia AL nn 04.05.2011
 - frd MEL-Kuala Lumpur SZB 07.09.2011 for lease return
N331LF, ILFC - International Lease Finance Corp. 17.10.2011
 - tt 30659, 22091 l,
 - N-reg canc 07.12.2011,
LV-CSI, Aerolíneas Argentinas lsd 25.11.2011 - rgd 22.12.2011
 - frd SZB--EZE 20/26.11.11
N7853B Southwest Airlines 11.11.2016

LV-CSK, Saab 340 B c/n 168

LV-CSK, Saab 340 B c/n 168 
First flew: 16.10.89
SE-F68 SAAB-Scania AB 16.10.89
F-GKLA Alsavia (opf Air France) lsd 27.11.89
HB-AKP, Crossair ret 09.04.91
 - canc 3.97
ER-ASA, Moldavian Airlines 24.02.97
 - depa Ham
ER-SGA, Moldavian Airlines rr s25.03.98
HB-AKP Crossair 12.2000
 - Nordic Airlink 29.12.00
 - sGVA 7.12.00 white no tit,
-  frd to ARN 29.12.00, fc, is 2.01.01,
 - operates Östersund-Umea-Lulea,
 - wfu 10.02.03,
 - Swiss International Air Lines 02.2003
 - frd to Basle
YR-VGS, Carpatair lsd 04.04
 - repaint fc HAM 23-26.02.04 ret Basle,
 - ret to Swiss after lse by 08.05
D-CDAU, Dau Air lsd 20.07.05
 - own German Investor, frd Timisoara-Bremen 20.07.05 Carp col,
 - HAM 08.08.05 repaint, ret 13.08.05 fc, r29.08.05,
 - sis HAJ 05.09.05,
 - AL ceased 10.08.06,
 - s str Laage Airbase 19.08.06,
 - D-reg canc 28.02.07
SE-LJR, Avitrans Nordic r29.03.07
 - own Egon Oldendorff,
 - sis DUS 28.06.08 col,
 - s BMA 18.09.09 white fus, red tail no titl, sARN 11.04.10
 - Nextjet lsd r02.09.10
 - own SG Finans, lsd to NEX Time Jet AB,
 - sBMA 12.07.11 white, red tail, small Next Time titles
 - C overhaul Orobro 10.11,
 - Sverigeflyg Leasing r07.11.11
 - reg. cld. 11.11.11,
LV-CSK, SOL S.A. Líneas Aéreas, 14.11.11
 - frd Orebro--Rosario 14-20.11.11
Wfu 15.01.2016 
Preservado  - emplazado sobre pilones a las afueras de la terminal del Aeropuerto Internacional Islas Malvinas de Rosario.

LV-CSM Airbus Helicopters (MBB) Bo 105 CBS-4 c/n S-829

LV-CSM Airbus Helicopters (MBB) Bo 105 CBS-4 c/n S-829
N2235V 1990
N105CR Romana Aircraft Inc 1991
 - ARRIAGA VICTOR 19.10.2007 
 - TCC AIR SERVICES INC 09.04.2010
 - N reg. cancelled as exported to ARGENTINA 24.10.2011 
LV-CSM Modena Air Services 2012
 - Modena Air Services 2013
 - FLIGHT EXPRESS S.A., 23.02.17

LV-CSN, Beech C90A King Air c/n LJ-1618

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LV-CSN, Beech C90A King Air c/n LJ-1618
First flew: 2001
N5024W Raytheon Aircraft Company 27.12.2000
 - Woodland Aviation Inc. 12.2000
 - Noble King Corp 01.2002
 - East Coast Jet Center Inc. 05.2006
 - AVN Air LLC  05.11.2006
 - reg. cancelled as exported to Brazil 09.08.2006
PP-COP Private 08.09.2006
N61MC JetEast LLC 07.2011
 - Southern Cross Aircraft Llc 11.10.2011 
 - N Reg. cancelled as exported to ARGENTINA 22.11.2011
LV-CSN Vial Agro SA 11.12.2011

LV-CSW, McDonnell Douglas MD-83 c/n 49845/1573

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LV-CSW, McDonnell Douglas MD-83 c/n 49845/1573
First flew: 10.02.89
D-AGWA, German Wings 27.03.89
 - STR 6.90 Lemwerder
N845CP Pegasus Capital Corp. 13.11.90
 - str Miami
SU-DAL MD-83 ZAS Airline of Egypt - Zarkani Aviation Services 22.04.91
 - ret 20.03.95,
 - sMIA 21.03.95
XA-SXJ Allegro Air 30.03.95
 - own PCC/nw reg
 - sPhoe 24.06.95 (still/alr. is?)
 - AeroMéxico / Aerovias de México 12.1999
 - sPhoe 23.12.99
N989PG MD-83 Transmeridian Airlines 08.04.05
 - sIND 03.06.05 with large Ambassadair titles, smaller Transmeridian titl,
 - AL ceased 30.09.05,
 - depa Roswell 19.04.06
 - arr ARN 20.04.06 still wearing Ambassadair titles
UR-CFF UM Air 04.05.06
 - still Transmeridian col,
 - N-reg canc 28.04.06,
 - depa ARN 04.05.06, sis Astana 04.06.06 basic Transmeridian col,
 - sNUE 05.08.06 basic col but added col, titles, logos,
 - Kish Air 09.2008
 - UM Air 10.2009
 - s pkd ARN 09.12.09
N989PG Pegasus Aviation Inc. 20.05.10
 - frd Kefl-YUL-TUS 25.06.10,
 - frd TUS-MIA 08.08.11,
 - canc 21.11.11
LV-CSW Inoluc SA (Leal Lineas Aéreas) 21.11.11
 - operated by Flying America S.A.,
 - frd MIA-EZE 22-23.11.11
 - s str EZE 02.13
 - AL ceased by 02.13
N989PG Pegasus Aviation Inc. 22.02.13
 - frd EZE--OPF 03.03.13,
 - s16.03.13 white/cartoon duck painted on tail and engines,
 - frd OPF-MIA 10.10.13
 - Aserca due14
STD sMIA 01.03.14 fcs

LV-CSX, Airbus A340-313E c/n 373

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LV-CSX, Airbus A340-313E c/n 373 
First flew: 30.10.2000
F-GNIH Air France (ILFC) 04.12.2000
 - China AL error/ntu,
 - rgd to Sierra Leasing Ltd 05.12.2000,
 - sLIS Aerolíneas Argentinas-cs 19.10.2011
LV-CSX, Aerolineas Argentinas 19.11.2011
WFU at San Bernadino (CA) 29.07.2017
N373UA Unical Aviation Inc. 19.10.2017 
 -  N-Reg. cancelled 20.07.2018