LV-WSB, Canadair CL-600-2B19 Regional Jet - CRJ-100ER, c/n 7154

LV-WSB, Canadair CL-600-2B19 Regional Jet - CRJ-100ER, c/n 7154
C-FMOI Bombardier Inc. 10.1996  
LV-WSB, Southern Winds  "Córdoba"  15.12.96
N154SF, SW Holding Trust 13.01.03           
 - loc unk, sRockford in hangar Southern Winds-fcs 31.07.03
 - Mesa Airlines lsd 18.08.04
 - operates in a/w c/s
 - sPHD white-cs td,
N154LR Mesa Airlines req 04.05, Not taken up
N154SF Mesa Airlines (opf United Express)
 - ret SW Holding Trust, own UAM 17.12.10
 - reg canx. 27.08.13
Permanently WFU at Oklahoma City-Will Rogers World (OK).

LV-WSC, Cessna 208B Caravan c/n B-0580

LV-WSC, Cessna 208B Caravan c/n B-0580
LV-WSC, Les Grands Jorasses 01.1997
W/O - Accidentado a 12 km de Roque Pérez, Bs.As., Argentina, 28.04.2001 - "En un vuelo de travesía en condiciones nocturnas y por instrumentos, pérdida de sustentación y caída en espiral hacia la derecha hasta el impacto con el terreno, por los siguientes factores: 1°) Condiciones de formación de hielo en los niveles de vuelo elegidos." Diez víctimas fatales.

LV-WSD Fairchild Swearingen SA226-TC Metro II c/n TC-237E-167

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LV-WSD Fairchild Swearingen SA226-TC Metro II c/n TC-237E-167
First flew: 07.77
N752S Air Wisconsin 08.1977
 - Sun Aire Lines 28.11.83
 - SkyWest Airlines 27.10.85
 - Corporate Air 10.1988
XA-RYM TAGSA - Transportes Aéreos Gane 08.1991
N766AS, Aero Sales International 12.09.96
 - sGJC r08.1996
 - sASI r10.96,
 - N reg. cancelled as exported to ARGENTINA 03.12.1996
LV-WSD AIRMAN S.R.L. 12.1996
 - CAS SA Líneas Aéreas (Aerocassa, Condor Express)
 - Accidentado en Bahía Blanca, Argentina, 27.11.2001 - "en la fase del aterrizaje después del toque, salida por el borde de la pista e impacto contra un desnivel del terreno, ocasionando la rotura de la parte inferior delantera del fusealaje, el tren de nariz y las hélices".
 - Ver Informe: (JIAAC -)
DER - abandonado en Bahía Blanca, Argentina s2008
 - wfu Dodsons,

LV-WSH Boeing 737-204C c/n 20282/245

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LV-WSH Boeing 737-204C c/n 20282/245
First flew: 13.03.70
G-AXNA, Britannia Airways 17.03.70
PH-TVF, Transavia "Neil Armstrong" lsd 31.09.74
G-AXNA, Britannia Airways "Robert Clive of India"  ret 08.05.75
F-GGPC, TAT - Transport Aérien Transrégional  04.10.90, white,
 - TAT-La Poste tit, s10.9.95 full TAT col
 - TAT European Airlines 12-1995 tfd, Leased from Cargo Location
 - ADL 10.96
LV-PMD, LAPA - Líneas Aéreas Privadas Argentinas  - s22.12.96
LV-WSH, LAPA - Líneas Aéreas Privadas Argentinas 01-1997
- Leased from Ardennes Holdings Ltd rr
LV-WSH, ARG - Linea Privada Argentina 27-09-2001
- Leased from Ardennes Holdings Ltd tfd
N282AD, WFBN 01.11.02 loc unk
PT-MTC, TAF Linhas Aereas lsd 23.12.02
PR-MGA, ATA Brasil 17.05.03
 - sSCL fcs td,
STD - sPorto Alegre Stored fcs 18.05.04

LV-WSJ Beech 1900C-1 (Wet-Wing) Airliner c/n UC-62

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LV-WSJ Beech 1900C-1 (Wet-Wing) Airliner c/n UC-62
First flew: 04.1989
N62YV Mesa Airlines 14.04.89
 - opf United Express
 - Air Midwest 09.1991
 - opf USAir Express, wfu apr96
 - BeAC ret 12.95,
 - Raytheon Aircraft Credit Corp 13.02.96, r4.96
LV-WSJ Emprendimientos Aéreos S.A. (ALTA) 20.07.96
 - s Wichita fc/RayAc canc 12.96/1.97
N62YV Raytheon Aircraft Credit Corp. 02.11.99,
 - arr Sao Paulo mid 12.99 ALTA col,
 - for resale by Lider,
 - str Wichita, frd to Toronto YYZ 30.08.01
C-GTGA Air Georgian 23.12.02
 - Cargojet Airways 02.10.07
 - Prince Edward Air 02.07.08
 - Skylink Express 10.11.10

LV-WSL Beech 1900C-1 (Wet-Wing) Airliner c/n UC-162

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LV-WSL Beech 1900C-1 (Wet-Wing) Airliner c/n UC-162   
First flew: 06.91
N162YV Mesa Airlines 14.06.91
 - r Beech acc 07.1991
 - Raytheon Aircraft Credit Corp r09.1995
 - reg cld 12.1996
LV-WSL Emprendimientos Aéreos S.A. (ALTA) 30.12.96
N162YV Raytheon Aircraft Credit Corp. 02.11.99
 - arr Sao Paulo mid 12.99, ALTA col, for resale by Lider
 - frd Wichita-Ft Lauderdale Int 2.03.01
 - Nevis Express 27.02.01 lsd
 - frd Wichita-FLL Int 2.03.01
 - s str Albuquerque 10.07.03 titl
N575Y Frontier Flying Service 01.12.03
 - JMH Leasing LLC 01.09.06
 - Gussic Ventures LP 26.12.08, lsd to FFS
 - Frontier Alaska 01.03.09
 - Gussic Ventures LP
 - Frontier Alaska Avtn 09.02.09
 - in trust with Icecap LLC, r09.03.09
 - ret to Icecap by 02.10
 - Ameriflight 12.02.10
N718AF Ameriflight 12.02.10
 - UAS Transervices 18.03.10

LV-WSM Beech 1900C-1 (Wet-Wing) Airliner c/n UC-149

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LV-WSM Beech 1900C-1 (Wet-Wing) Airliner c/n UC-149
First flew: 03.91
N149YV Mesa Airlines 04.1991  
 - own nn Mesa AG 5.95
 - reg cld 12.1996
LV-WSM Emprendimientos Aéreos S.A. (ALTA) 30.12.96
 - sMendoza 22.04.97 fc                   
N149YV Raytheon Aircraft Credit Corp. 02.11.99
 - arr Sao Paulo mid 12.99, ALTA col, for resale by Lider
 - Air Labrador 15.12.01
 - Raytheon Aircraft Credit Corp,
 - frd Ottawa-Goose Bay 15.12.01 on lse,
 - s str Wichita 17.05.02 Air Labrador titles  
N575X Frontier Flying Service 15.01.03
 - Raytheon Aircraft Credit Corp own,
 - FFS own 28.03.03,
 - JMH Leasing LLC 01.09.06,
 - Gussic Ventures LP 26.12.08, lsd to FFS
 - Frontier Alaska mgd 27.02.09
 - Gussic Ventures LP,
 - Frontier Alaska Avtn 09.02.09, in trust with icecap LLC
 - Suburban Air Freight 24.04.14

LV-WSN Pilatus PC-12 c/n 135

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LV-WSN Pilatus PC-12 c/n 135
HB-FQY, Pilatus Flugzeugwerke AG 07.02.96
N12CA Columbia Aircraft Sales Inc. 29.02.96
 - Bramfield Inc. 03.04.96
LV-WSN Terraire S.A. 30.01.97
N29CA Bramfield Inc. 14.07.00
 - Pacific Oak Development Inc. 01.02.01
N999EP Pacific Oak Development Inc 15.11.01
 - Creative Aviation 03.08.07
 - frd RKV-Wick-PMI-MLA-Luxor 08.08.07
 - reg canx 22.08.07
VT-MEG, Mega Corporation 05.10.07

LV-WSS Gulfstream Aerospace G-IV SP - Gulfstream IV SP c/n 1297

LV-WSS Gulfstream Aerospace G-IV SP - Gulfstream IV SP  c/n 1297
N420GA Gulfstream Aerospace Corp. 11.1996
LV-WSS Amilcar Cabral Internacional 05.02.1997
 - sLTN 20.02.1997
 - Águila del Sur S.A. date unk
N728JP Jack Prewitt & Associates Inc 27.10.2009
 - N-Reg. cancelled as exported to CHILE 10.06.2020
913 Fuerza Aérea de Chile 10.2020
 - SAF, Active 12.2024

LV-WST Cessna 208/A Caravan I c/n 00259

LV-WST Cessna 208/A Caravan I c/n 00259

Ver Fotos:
LV-WST Estancia La Pelada, Jorge Born, Bs.As. 1996
 - Aéroequipos S.A. 01.1997
 - Cabaña La Morocha

LV-WSU Boeing 737-2A8 c/n 21496/503

LV-WSU Boeing 737-2A8 c/n 21496/503
First flew:  30.09.77
VT-EFK, Indian Airlines 10.11.77
N912PG, PAHC    r09.96
 - canc 22.4.97   
LV-WSU, Aerolíneas Argentinas lsd 15.01.97
 - s str AEP white-cs 04.08.02,
N974PG, ret to lessor, ART 21496 LLC 13.02.03
STD - sTUS str 26.03.03, s24.01.07

LV-WSY Boeing 737-281 c/n 20562/293

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LV-WSY Boeing 737-281 c/n 20562/293
First flew: 22.03.72
JA8416, ANA - All Nippon Airways 03.04.72
 - Air Nippon - All Nippon Airways lsd 01.09.92,
 - reg. cld. 19.2.97
LV-PMJ, Aerolíneas Argentinas (pasavante) 04.03.97
LV-WSY, Aerolíneas Argentinas 18.02.97
 - sAEP ncs Aerolíneas-tit left Austral-tit right 06.12.03
CC-CSK, Aerolíneas del Sur lsd 01.2006
 - Ceased operations 30.10.08

Preserved. Used as a motel at Viña del Mar, Región de Valparaíso, Chile 12.2012

LV-WSZ Douglas DC-9-31 c/n 47140-212

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LV-WSZ Douglas DC-9-31 c/n 47140-212
First flew: 23.10.67
N8931E Eastern Air Lines (1926) 07.12.67
 - Wfu 18.01.91
 - FFB reposs 04.91
 - Midway Airlines 09.07.91
 - AARH 09.07.91,
 - Wfu 09.1991 
 - ret AARH, 14.11.91
 - s14.04.93 Mojave,
 - Florida West AC bt 25.03.94,
 - to Miami 8.04.94 pkd
 - Sun Jet International lsd 20.08.94
 - ro 12.8 MIA fc,
 - own ATG 20.08.94,
 - ATG 47140 09.06.95,
 - sold MDFC 10.01.96,
 - MDDC 27.09.96,
 - MDDC ret 15.12.96
 - reg canc 17.03.97
LV-WSZ Austral Líneas Aéreas 21.03.1997
 - s fc 21.04.1997,s03.1998
N140AV AVCentral Inc. 22.12.2000
 - N Reg. cancelled as destroyed 28.02.2001
SCR - Broken up. as brup Clinton OK,
- location also repo as Sherman-Grayson TX

LV-WTA (0679 4-F-21)Beech 65-B80 Queen Air c/n LD-447

LV-WTA (0679 4-F-21)Beech 65-B80 Queen Air c/n LD-447  
First flew: 1971

0679 Armada Argentina, 22.11.1971
  • 1-F-21, Incorporado el 22.11.1971
  • 4-F-21 Escuadrilla Aeronaval de Reconocimiento, EAN 4 (EA4R) 1975
 - wfu in 1992
LV-WTA Digiair Srl 1997

LV-WTD Dornier 228-201 c/n 8094

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LV-WTD Dornier 228-201 c/n 8094
First flew: 14.07.86
D-CEYH Holiday Express - Hanse Express 22.08.86
 - Dornier Luftfahrt GmbH 15.03.88
 - Hamburg Airlines 24.06.88
 - Dornier Luftfahrt GmbH 18.06.89
 - Eagle Air of Iceland - Arnarflug 15.11.89
TF-VLI Eagle Air of Iceland - Arnarflug  22.06.1990
D-CEYH Dornier Luftfahrt GmbH 03.12.1990
D-CDAL Suckling Airways 22.03.1991
 - Dornier Luftfahrt GmbH 27.04.1991
 - Zimex Aviation may91
 - ATA - Aerocondor Transportes Aéreos 10.1992
 - Adler Air Leasing GmbH 01.1994
 - International Flying Services 06.1994
D-ICAT CAT - Cologne Air Transport 12.1994
D-CDAL Adler Air Leasing GmbH 05.1995
 - Suckling Airways 05.10.1995
 - Adler Air Leasing GmbH 11.12.1995
D-ICAT Air Straubing 03.1996
 - Adler Air Leasing GmbH 31.07.1996
D-CBDR Dornier Luftfahrt GmbH 28.11.1996
D-CDAL Dornier Luftfahrt GmbH 12.01.1997
LV-WTD American Jet lsd 04.1997
 - sNuequen, 28.03.2014 
5Y-CES Kasas Ltd 19.07.2014
 - sCUR Hato 16.07.2014 on delivery,
 - frd PWM--HBE 19-28.07.2014 basic American Jet cs

LV-WTE Fairchild Swearingen SA227-AC Metro III c/n AC-584

Aeropuerto Córdoba: Spotting 12 de junio de 2008
LV-WTE Fairchild Swearingen SA227-AC Metro III c/n AC-584
First flew: 06.1984      
N3114H Horizon Air 07.1984
 - ret 03.1996 Avline        
 - JODA Partnership 22.01.1997
 - N reg. cancelled as exported to ARGENTINA 18.02.1997
LV-PMF pasavante 14.02.97
LV-WTE LAWSA - Líneas Aéreas Williams 02.1997
 - Baires Fly SA 1998
 - Registro CANCELADO 13.10.2021

LV-WTF Saab 340A c/n 144

LV-WTF Saab 340A c/n 144
First flew:  17.02.89
SE-F44 SAAB-Scania AB 20.02.89
D-CHBB, Air Bremen 31.03.89
 - Wfu 08.1990 
SE-KRT, Salenia Aviation AB 01.08.90 Repossessed
 - FSk 16.01.91
ZK-NSM, Air NZL/Air Nelson 25.04.91
 - Wfu 08.12.96
 - ret SAAB,depa 08.12.96,
 - FFV Nashville 11.12.96,
 - s7.03.97 MIA

LV-PMG, Andesmar Líneas Aéreas lsd 07.03.97
 - arr Mendoza
LV-WTF, Andesmar Líneas Aéreas rr 12.03.97
 - ret Saab 4.98
 - Kaiken Líneas Aéreas lsd 05.98 Not taken up
 - sMendoza fc by 09.1998
 - reg res. 30.11.98,
 - frd Mendoza--Nashville 27-29.03.99 white,
D-COLE, OLT - Ostfriesische Lufttransport (opf Tempelhof Express) 26.06.99
 - Nashv--Bremen 25-26.06.99, is 14.07.99 nc,
 - s26.03.01 red col,
 - sis MLA 24.01.06,
 - last svc 30.09.10
 - pkd BRE, s08.01.11 fc
 - OLT Express 20.08.12
 - repaint ncs Ostrava, ret BRE 20.08.12,
 - last svc 25.01.13,
 - AL ceased 27.01.13,
STD - pkd BRE, frd to Saarbrücken 26.03.13 for str, fcs

LV-WTG Boeing 737-2A8 c/n 21498/505

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LV-WTG Boeing 737-2A8 c/n 21498/505
First flew: 02.12.77
VT-EFM, Indian Airlines 08.12.77
K2370, Indian Air Force ls 26.08.81
VT-EFM, Indian Airlines ret 05.05.84
K2370, Indian Air Force ls 05.86
VT-EFM, Indian Airlines ret 05.89
N913PG, PAHC r09.96, N-canc 3.97   
LV-WTG, Aerolíneas Argentinas lsd 28.02.97
 - s str EZE 25.10.02,
 - s in hangar white-cs 24.02.03,
 - sTUS 26.12.03
N975PG, ret to lessor, ART 21498 LLC 06.02.04
STD - s24.01.07

LV-WTH, Douglas DC-9-31 c/n 45839/116

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LV-WTH, Douglas DC-9-31 c/n 45839/116
First flew: 05.04.67
N8924E Eastern Air Lines (1926) 30.05.67
 - Wfu 18.01.91 ,
 - FFB reposs 04.01,
 - AARH 09.07.91
 - Midway Airlines 09.07.91
 - Wfu 09.91
 - AARH, ret 14.11.91
- sMojave 4.93/Florida West AC 25.3.94,
- sMIA 16.4.94 metallic
- Sun Jet International 01.09.94
- sFtLaud,fc 03.09.94
 -Sun Jet International/MDFC 10.01.96,r07.96,
- Sun Jet International/MDDC 15.01.97 ret
 - Wfu 15.01.97
 - reg.canc 12.05.97
LV-WTH, Austral Líneas Aéreas 12.05.97
N839AV, AVCentral Inc. 23.10.2000
 - For parting out
SCR - Broken up at Clinton OK (loca repo 12.01)
 - N Reg. cancelled as expired 18.07.2017 

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LQ-WTN, Cessna 650 Citation VII c/n 650-7054

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LQ-WTN, Cessna 650 Citation VII c/n 650-7054
N5185J Cessna Aircraft Co. 04.1995
PT-WFC, Sucocitrico Cutrale Ltda 00.11.1995
 - reg canx 17.03.1997
N7243U Dassault Falcon Jet Corp 14.03.1997
 - reg also quoted as N7243W
 - N-Reg. cancelled as exported to ARGENTINA 18.03.1997 

LV-WTN, Ledesma SAAI 18.03.1997
 - sAEP 06.12.1997
LQ-WTN, Dirección Provincial de Aeronáutica, Provincia de La Rioja 18.04.2011

LV-WTO Bell 206L-3 Long Ranger III c/n 51521

LV-WTO Bell 206L-3 Long Ranger III c/n 51521
First flew: 1991
 - reg. cnl 03.10.1994 
LV-WTO La Macarena S.R.L., 26.03.97
HP-1342 Banco Central 23.02.99.

LV-WTP Raytheon Beechjet 400A c/n RK-118

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LV-WTP Raytheon Beechjet 400A c/n RK-118
First flew: 1996
N1118Y Raytheon Aircraft Co. 08.1996
 - N reg. cancelled as exported to ARGENTINA 05.03.1997 
LV-PMH Gym SA 03.1997 For ferry flight only.
LV-WTP Gym SA 29.07.97 

LV-WTS, Boeing 757-2Q8, c/n 25131/458

Ver foto:
LV-WTS, Boeing 757-2Q8, c/n 25131/458
First flew: 19.05.92
CC-CYH Ladeco - Línea Aérea del Cobre 02.06.92,
 - Leased from ILFC - International Lease Finance Corp.
 - LAN Chile - Línea Aérea Nacional de Chile tfd 20.04.96,
 - Leased from ILFC 
 - sMIA 5.96 basic Ladeco,LAN tit/ret 30.3.97
LV-WTS, LAPA - Líneas Aéreas Privadas Argentinas "Anillaco" 31.03.97,
 - Leased from ILFC
 - ret ILFC 6.01,
 - s8.11.01 Victorville basic ex LAPA col,
 - sold by BCC Grand Cayman Ltd
N745BC Wells Fargo Bank 13.05.02
 - s str VCV with old reg 30.06.02,
 - s white-cs no tit 09.03.04,
 - frd-->ANC 07.08.04
HS-KAA Phuket Airlines 03.11.04
 - own BELC, sUTP white-cs with tit&taillogo 14.11.04
N719BC BCC Equipment Leasing Corp. ret 21.06.05
 - arrVCV 07.07.05,
 - s Phuket-cs 19.09.05,
 - s Ariana Afghan-fcs 11.11.05, testflown 28.11.05
 - Ariana Afghan Airlines lsd 03.02.06
 - sQLA pkd 29.04.06,
 - sSNR fcs 25.08.06
F-GTIB, Eagle Aviation France 05.12.06
 - sisCDG fcs 05.04.07
 - Saudia - Saudi Arabian Airlines slsd 12.03.08
 - sHUY fcs td
 - Eagle Aviation France ret 02.04.09
 - frd-->VCV 21.04.09
N594BC BCC Equipment Leasing Corp. 30.04.09
 - FedEx Express - Federal Express 22.12.10
 - frd-->BFM to be F-cvtd 25.02.11
N995FD FedEx Express - Federal Express 05.05.11
 - 12.11 Converted from B757-2Q8 to B757-2Q8SF

LV-WTT Bell 407 c/ n 53091

LV-WTT Bell 407 c/ n 53091 
N8874Z, Bell USA 1997
LV-WTT La Macarena S.R.L.,

  - expuesto en el interior de los pabellones de la feria ASSA'99
N427AL, Bell USA
N597AL Bristow US 22.06.2005
 - AIR LOGISTICS LLC 02.06.2006
 - BRISTOW US LLC 06.02.2010
 - reg. cancelled as exported to Canada 25.09.2020
C-GUIK Eagle Copters Ltd. 19.10.2020
 - Cancel C of R 01.04.2021

LV-WTU, Piper PA-46-350P Malibú Mirage, cn 46-36073

LV-WTU, Piper PA-46-350P Malibú Mirage, cn 46-36073

First flew: 1996
 - GLOBE AERO LTD INC 30.12.1996
 - N reg. cancelled as exported to ARGENTINA 14.02.1997 

LV-WTU Termique S.A.
W/O -  Accidentado en el Río de la Plata, 28.09.2005 -  "En un vuelo internacional de aviación general, durante la fase de crucero, disminución de potencia en el grupo moto-propulsor, que obligó al piloto a realizar un acuatizaje de emergencia, debido a causas desconocidas"

LV-WTV Dornier 228-201 c/n 8093

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LV-WTV Dornier 228-201 c/n 8093
First flew: 09.06.1986
D-CEMA Dornier Luftfahrt GmbH 1986
D-CERA Dornier Luftfahrt GmbH 25.07.1986
N228BM Qwest Commuter 22.12.1987
 - Dornier Aviation North America Inc. 07.1988
 - Precision Airlines 12.1988 (opf Eastern Express)
 - wfu 10.03.1989
 - Precision Airlines 10.1989 (opf Northwest Airlink)
 - wfu sNashville TN 31.08.1993
 - s10.1994
 - Reg. cancelled as exported to ARGENTINA 22.04.1997
LV-WTV, American Jet S.A. lsd 15.04.1997
 - own BCC 18.08.1997
 - sAEP 03.10.2007
 - sNuequen 28.03.2014 hangar
5Y-CES KASAS Ltd 07.2014 
 - reportado erróneamente con c/n 8094

LV-WTX Boeing 737-281 c/n 20561-292

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LV-WTX Boeing 737-281 c/n 20561-292
First flew: 05.01.72
N1788B Boeing Co. 12.1971
JA8415 ANA - All Nippon Airways 13.04.72
 - Air Nippon - All Nippon Airways 10.1988  
 - ANA - All Nippon Airways ret 01.04.97
 - canc 2.4.97,
 - depa 4.4 no titl  
LV-PMI, Aerolíneas Argentinas 02.04.97
LV-WTX, Aerolíneas Argentinas rr 10.04.97
 STD  -  sAEP ncs Aerolineas-tit left Austral-tit right 06.12.03
 - Additional Austral titles (right) 

Ver fotos:
 - wfu EZE 29.04.08,
 - s 1994-95 retro-cs to be preserved 08.09.08.
 - arrOZP for cabine training 03.11.08
Preservado en el Museo Nacional de Aeronáutica, Morón, Buenos Aires.

LV-WTY McDonnell Douglas MD-81 c/n 48011/994

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LV-WTY McDonnell Douglas MD-81 c/n 48011/994
First flew: 18.07.81
HB-INM, Swissair 05.08.81
 - wfu 30.01.97 Zurich,
 - to Shannon overh till 25.02.97       
  - N-Reg. cancelled as exported to ARGENTINA 14.05.1997
LV-WTY, Dinar Líneas Aereas "Virgen Candelaria" lsd 09.05.1997
 - depa ZRH 1.11.1997,
 - arr SNN 04.09.2001,
 - s24.01.2003,
 - s Dinar col no engs, 15.04.2003
 - s no external reg, 15.09.2003
 - moved inside hangar 15.09.2006,
SCR - s02.11.2006 outside,
 - many parts removed,
 - broken up early 12.2006