LV-HAB - F-AJOV, Latécoère 28-1 c/n 916

Argentina Archivo General de la Nación Dpto. Doc. Fotográficos
LV-HAB - F-AJOV, Latécoère 28-1 c/n 916
 - converted from 28-0 to 28-1
F-AJOV, CGA - Compagnie Générale Aéropostale /Rio de Janeiro 16.05.1930
 - Air France /Buenos Aires

R-305, Aeroposta Argentina « El Pampero »
 - se le reporta haber hecho el vuelo inaugural a Río Gallegos 31 de marzo de 1930, pero ese avión fue el Laté 28-1 (F-AJIQ) c/n 906

LV-HAB, Aeroposta Argentina 22.04.1936
 - reg cld 22.11.51
Ver Fotos:

LV-HAC Waco ZGC-8 c/n 5053

LV-HAC Waco ZGC-8 c/n 5053
 - motor Jacobs L-5 de 300 hp, s/n 1242
R-360 Policía de la Provincia de Buenos Aires
LV-HAC Policía de la Provincia de Buenos Aires 30.03.38

LV-HAS Aerospatiale 350B3 Ecureuil 4931

LV-HAS Aerospatiale 350B3 Ecureuil 4931 

EC-LHH, Helicópteros Insulares 06.2010
LV-HAS Habock Aviation 2018
 - s/Sabadell, Spain 22.07.2018

LV-HAU Aerospatiale 350B3 Ecureuil c/n 3489

LV-HAU Aerospatiale 350B3 Ecureuil c/n 3489
F-WQPQ, test serial
EC-IBV, Coyotair
LV-HAU unk ntu?
CC-AXK Eliance

LV-HAV, Aerospatiale 350B3 Ecureuil c/n 4253

LV-HAV, Aerospatiale 350B3 Ecureuil c/n 4253
EC-KGQ, CoyotAir
 - Provincia de Chubut, Servicio Nacional de Manejo del Fuego (SNMF). 22.12.2016
CC-AXL, Eliance Aviation

LV-HBA de Havilland DH.83 Fox Moth c/n 4070

Foto: Gabriel Pavlovcic (2008) Registros R 1928-1938 - Scan Ediciones
LV-HBA de Havilland DH.83 Fox Moth c/n 4070   
 - motor Gipsy Major s/n 5241
 - Eagle Oil & Shipping Co. Ltd. 03.07.33
 - Anotado en el Registro con c/n 4070 y motor Gipsy Major #5241
R-241 Shell Mex Argentina LTD "Gavilan del Plata" 25.09.33
 - piloteado por Colin Abbott de Mendoza a Santiago de Chile y regreso alcanzando 14.200 ft  05.1935
LV-HBA Shell Mex Argentina LTD rr 1938         
W/O - Destruido por fuego en el incendio del hangar de San Fernando, 24.11.37
 - reg cld 03.03.38

LV-HBN, Aero Commander 500B c/n 500B-1011-32

Foto: Revista LV LIMA VICTORNº35
LV-HBN, Aero Commander 500B c/n 500B-1011-32
First flew: 1960
LV-PBQ, Servicios Aéreos Especiales (pasavante)
LQ-HBN, Banco Nación Arg 09.08.61
LV-HBN, CATA Línea Aérea, 04.01.78
 - El Pingüino Líneas Aéreas 05.06.92
 - reg cld 09.08.02
N6210N Mid Atlantic Aircraft LLC 23.08.02
YV-...  not taken up 03.2003
N6210N OM Aviation Services Inc 07.04.2003
 - N-reg. cancelled 01.04.2013

LV-HCD, Lockheed L-1649 Starliner c/n 1023

LV-HCD, Lockheed L-1649 Starliner c/n 1023
N7320C, TWA - Trans World Airlines 26.07.57 FN 320 'Star of the Avon'
 - in service 27 July 1957.
LV-PHV pasavante, del 11.08.61
 - TT: 11'637 hrs
LV-HCD, Trans Atlántica Argentina 16.08.61
 - Trans Atlantic Argentina ceased operations in November 1961.
 - Stored at Paris Orly.
 - cese de bandera 28.12.62
N7320C, TWA reclaimed in April 1964
 - transferred to Fairfax, Kansas City, MO
 - Bush Avtn. Stored at Fort Lauderdale, FL 15.12.65.
 - by May 1966 still in  Trans Atlantica colors.
Remained in storage and later scrapped at Fort Lauderdale during May 1970.

LV-HCJ Piper PA-23-150 Apache D c/n 23-106

Foto: Nery Mendiburu vía Martín Blanco.
Piper PA-23-150 Apache D c/n 23-1063
First flew:1957
 - reg. cln. 09.08.1961
LV-HCJ Siam di Tella Ltda. S.A. 29.08.61
 - Bitzer Argentina SACI 08.09.76
W/O - Accidentado en Bahía Blanca, Bs.As., 02.05.78 - cuatro víctimas fatales

LV-HCL, Aero Commander 500B c/n 500B-1059-48

Fotos: Revista LIMA VICTOR Nº35
LV-HCL, Aero Commander 500B c/n 500B-1059-48
First flew: 1960
LV-PBX, Pasavante
LQ-HCL, Ministerio de Asuntos Agrarios, Provincia de Buenos Aires,  29.08.61
LV-HCL, Ministerio de Asuntos Agrarios, Provincia de Buenos Aires, rr 10.05.73
 - Cygnus 16.08.79
 - Miguel Yapur
 - reg.cld 18.12.98

LV-HCM, Aero Commander 500B c/n 500B-1026-37

LV-HCM, Aero Commander 500B c/n 500B-1026-37
First flew: 1960
LV-PBP, Pasavante

Foto: Revista LIMA VICTOR Nº35
LQ-HCM, Ministerio de Asuntos Agrarios, Provincia de Buenos Aires, 29.08.61
LV-HCM, Ministerio de Asuntos Agrarios, Provincia de Buenos Aires, rr 10.05.73
 - Cygnus S.A.C.I, 24.11.78
 - Empresa Aerea Halcon SRL, 12.09.85
 - Ricardo Izquierdo 22.09.86
Noted wfu Quilmes (Argentina) 24.03.02
- sWfu en Quilmes 24.03.05

LV-HCU Lockheed L-1649 Starliner c/n 1009

Ver Fotos: LUZZI
LV-HCU, Lockheed L-1649 Starliner c/n 1009
N7308C, TWA - Trans World Airlines 18.05.57 FN 308 'Star of Oklahoma'
 - in service 2 June 1957 and used on domestic network.
LV-PHW pasavante, del 30.08.61
 - TT: 11'829 hrs
LV-HCU, Trans Atlántica Argentina 04.09.61
 - Transatlantica ceased operations November 1961
 - cese de bandera 18.12.62
N7308C, Trans World AL
 - Reclaimed by TWA and stored at Mid-Continent Airport, Kansas City, by summer 1962. - Used for spares.
 - Arizona Aircraft Parts-Sales 30.09.66
SCR - bu 30.09.66.

LV-HDA - F-AIJZ, Latécoère 25-2.R, No.631

LV-HDA - F-AIJZ, Latécoère 25-2.R, No.631
F-AIJZ, CGEA - Compagnie Générale d’Entreprises Aéronautiques /Toulouse
 - CGA - Compagnie Générale Aéropostale 13.09.27
 - to Buenos Aires, Argentina

Selvetti, Ficarelli, Lydie y Paul Vachet y los mecánicos argentinos01.01.1929. 
 - Vuelo inaugural a Asunción del Paraguay, 1º de enero de 1929, Leonardo Selvetti, acompañado por el mecánico Ferrando y el Sr. Di Sandro, realiza uno de los dos vuelos inaugurales a Asunción del Paraguay, transportando una pequeña cantidad de cartas y ejemplares del diario La Prensa. El otro vuelo estaría a cargo de Paul Vachet y Pedro Ficarelli en el Laté F-AIFX, No.619
R-179, Aeroposta Argentina SA. "Coronel Bogado" 05.08.30
R-315, Credaro, Antonio Victor 21.07.36
LV-HDA, Credaro, Antonio Victor "Jesús de la Buena Esperanza" 1938

LV-HDE, Piper PA-23-250 Aztec c/n 27-400

LV-HDE, Piper PA-23-250 Aztec c/n 27-400
N4847P, JONAS AIRCRAFT & ARMS CO INC, 31.01.1961
 - N reg. cancelled as exported to ARGENTINA. 17.07.1961 
LV-HDE, Servicios Aéreos Burd S.A. 06.09.1961
 - Giannotti, Gabriel 07.09.1993

LV-HDO Piper PA-23-150 Apache D c/n 23-1091

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LV-HDO Piper PA-23-150 Apache D c/n 23-1091
 - N reg. cancelled as exported to ARGENTINA 11.10.1961
LV-HDO Ficom SA. 13.09.1961
 - Aircom SA, 15.11.1963
 - Aeroservicio de Cuyo 22.04.1966
 - Bonaerense de Aviación S.A. 29.09.2000
 - Accidentado en el Río de la Plata, frente a Quilmes, 10.11.2009 - acuatizaje de emergencia por falla de motor, sin víctimas.

LV-HEP, Piper PA-23-250 Aztec c/n 27-189

LV-HEP, Piper PA-23-250 Aztec c/n 27-189
N4710P, JONAS AIRCRAFT & ARMS CO INC, 11.08.1960 
 - N reg. cancelled as exported to ARGENTINA 10.07.1961
LV-PVN pasavante
LV-HEP, Servicios Aéreos Burd S.A. 04.10.1961
 - Fuerza Aérea Argentina, Comando en jefe.
 - Schmid, Eduardo 13.10.70, 10.07.1961

LV-HEW, Piper PA-23-250 Aztec c/n 27-435

LV-HEW, Piper PA-23-250 Aztec c/n 27-435
LV-PDO pasavante
LV-HEW, Las Marías SA. 05.10.61
 - Luis Rodriguez 09.01.75
 - exhibido cerca de Berrotarán, Córdoba

LV-HEZ, Piper PA-23-250 Aztec c/n 27-272

LV-HEZ, Piper PA-23-250 Aztec c/n 27-272
N4740P, JONAS AIRCRAFT & ARMS CO INC, 22.09.1960
 - N reg. cancelled as exported to ARGENTINA 11.08.1961
LV-PWZ pasavante
LV-HEZ, RATA - Red Argentina de Taxis Aéreos 20.10.1961
 - accidentado, 23.02.1978 - daños del 60%.
 - Aduana Nacional 10.03.1980

LV-HFI, Piper PA-23-250 Aztec c/n 27-444

LV-HFI, Piper PA-23-250 Aztec c/n 27-444
LV-PFC pasavante
LV-HFI, Roemmers S.A. 02.11.61
 - SAFCO 28.12.62
 - Aero-Club Esquel 05.12.74
 - Aerodot S.A. 15.12.81
 -reg cld 1997

LQ-HFN Bell 429 GlobalRanger c/n 57308

LQ-HFN Bell 429 GlobalRanger c/n 57308
C-FOQD, Bell Helicopter Textron Canada Limited 05.02.2016
 - Aircraft Removed from the Canadian Register as exported to ARGENTINA 18.05.2017 
LQ-HFN Provincia de Tucumán, 18.05.2017 

LV-HGE, Aero Commander 500A c/n 500A-1092-50

LV-HGE, Aero Commander 500A c/n 500A-1092-50
First flew: 1961
LV-PEV, Pasavante
LV-HGE, Horacio Sánchez Elía 14.11.61
 - Asdrubal Crego 18.07.69

LV-HGG Piper PA-23-150 Apache C c/n 23-736

LV-HGG Piper PA-23-150 Apache C c/n 23-736 
First flew: 1956
LV-HGG José Fox 17.11.61
 - Algarrobal Viejo S.A. 16.06.88

LV-HGM, Piper PA-23-250 Aztec c/n 27-481

LV-HGM, Piper PA-23-250 Aztec c/n 27-481
LV-PFJ pasavante
LV-HGM, Aero Club Gral. Roca 30.11.61
W/O - accidentado en Navarro 24.08.70 - 35% de daños
 - Kandic SACIF 02.09.70
 - restos vistos en Don Torcuato 06.12.97
 - 08.1998

LV-HGS, Beech C-45G Expeditor c/n AF.358

Foto: Gabriel Pavlovcic (2012) Registro Completo de Aeronaves de Argentina - Ediciones Argentinidad
LV-HGS, Beech C-45G Expeditor c/n AF.358 
41-27364 USAAF originalmente Beech AT-11 c/n 1209
 - 524SchSq Victorville AFS,CA
 - accidentado en Victorville AFS, CA, 04.11.42
51-11801 USAF: reconstruido por Beech en Wichita con c/n AF.358 en 1953
N2846G, Crown Aircraft Inc, Miami FL: USCR 1963
LV-PEW, pasavante 10.1961
LV-HGS, TABA - Transporte Aéreo Buenos Aires 15.12.61/73
 - sAeroparque, Buenos Aires en servicio para TABA 19.02.70
 - sAeroparque, Buenos Aires 04.08.71
CLD 1973

LV-HGT, Aero Commander 560F c/n 560F-1076-27

Ver Fotos:
LV-HGT, Aero Commander 560F c/n 560F-1076-27
First flew: 1961
LV-PIY, Pasavante
LQ-HGT, Gobierno de la Provincia de Neuquén, 18.12.61
LV-HGT, La Macarena S.R.L. 09.10.72
N14584, Aero Export International INC 12.73
 - Reg. cld 27.03.1974
PT-JSU Aerotaxi Capichaba 02.74
 - ORA - Oeste Redes Aéreas SA 07.1981
 - Waldir de Melo
 - reg. canceled 21.01.1994
 - Abandonado en Sorocaba, San Pablo, Brasil

Ver mapa más grande

LV-HGW, Avro 748 Srs.1-105 c/n 1539

Argentina Archivo General de la Nación Dpto. Doc. Fotográficos
Avro 748 Srs.1-105 c/n 1539 (3)
LV-PIZ First flew from Woodford 10.12.61
 - Handed over to Aerolíneas Argentinas 11.01.62
 - Delivered to Aerolíneas Argentinas vía Stornoway, Keflavik, Goose Bay, Detroit and Belize 18.01.62
 - Arrived at Buenos Aires and named “Ciudad de Bahía Blanca” 26.01.62
 - Proving flight to Punta del Este, Uruguay 15.02.62

Ver foto:
 LV-HGW, Aerolíneas Argentinas "Ciudad de Bahía Blanca" rr 08.03.62
 - Became the first Avro 748 to enter regular commercial service 02.04.62
 - incidentado en Esquel, 02.01.63 - daños 15% 
W/O - Accidentado en Loma Alta, Chaco, 04.02.70. - "Pérdida de control de la aeronave y choque contra el terreno al enfrentar una zona con condiciones meteorológicas desfavorables y turbulencia severa."  37 víctimas fatales, sin sobrevivientes.  TT. 19,049 hrs. 15,739 ldgs.
« EL LITORAL, Jueves 5 de Febrero de 1970 »
Ver Roll Out: El Avro 748 en Aerolíneas Argentina

Sud Aviation SE-210 Caravelle,

Sud Aviation, France SA 

Caravelle I, II, VIR

  • 080 VI-N I-DAXT SCR 
  • 127 VI-N LV-PUQ LV-HGY W/O 
  • 149 VI-N LV-PUU LV-HGZ T-92 LV-HGZ N46SB F-GBMJ wfu 
  • 180 VI-N LV-PBJ LV-III T-93 LV-III N49SB F-GBMK 5N-AOY 26.11.85 Wfu. 
  • 257 X-B3 OY-STF RP-C123 EC-DFP OY-STF EC-DFP F-GHKN HK-3805X HK-3805 HK-3805X SCR 

LV-HGX (T-91) Sud Aviation SE-210 Caravelle VI-N c/n 19/19

LV-HGX (T-91) Sud Aviation SE-210 Caravelle VI-N c/n 19/19
F-WJAQ Sud Aviation 11.1959
 - Caravelle III Prototype
 - Converted from SE210-3 to SE210-6N 10.09.1960
F-BJAQ Sud Aviation 03.03.1961
 - For tropical trails, Johannesburg
F-WJAK Sud Aviation 1961

LV-PRR Aerolíneas Argentinas (pasavante) 15.01.1962
 - frd 18.01.62
LV-HGX, Aerolíneas Argentinas "Aldebaren" 08.02.1962
 - reg cld 17.04.1973

T-91, Fuerza Aérea Argentina 24.04.1973
 - LADE - Líneas Aéreas del Estado
N45SB International Air 12.05.1975
 - Std Lawton, OK 05.191975
 - Nevada Airtours 20.02.1978
 - NEVADA AIRLINES 29.03.1978
 - N-Reg. cancelled as exported to FRANCE 28.03.1979 
F-GBMI EAS - Europe Aero Service 06.06.1979
 - wfu 12.1979 Perpignan,
 - s12.83 silver,good cond.
Broken up at Perpignan, France.

LV-HGY Sud Aviation SE-210 Caravelle VI-N c/n 127/121

Foto: Gentileza Anne & Olivier REBOURS
LV-HGY Sud Aviation SE-210 Caravelle VI-N c/n 127/121
First flew: 1962
LV-PUQ, pasavante frd 07.06.62

Ver Fotos:
LV-HGY, Aerolíneas Argentinas "Sirius" 29.06.62
W/O - Accidentado en Córdoba, Argentina 03.07.63, - colisión contra el terreno durante la aproximación final, al no ajustarse el piloto al procedimiento de entrada por instrumentos aprobado, sin víctimas fatales.

Ver informe:

LV-HGZ (T-92) Sud Aviation SE-210 Caravelle VI-N c/n 149/133

LV-HGZ (T-92) Sud Aviation SE-210 Caravelle VI-N c/n 149/133

LV-PUU, Aerolíneas Argentinas (pasavante) 31.10.1962
LV-HGZ, Aerolíneas Argentinas "Rigel" 14.11.1962
 - reg cld 06.04.1973

T-92, Fuerza Aérea Argentina 07.1973
 - LADE - Líneas Aéreas del Estado
LV-HGZ, Fuerza Aérea Argentina 26.06.1975
 - frd to USA
 - cese de bandera 26.01.1976
N46SB, International Air Inc. 05.1975
 - Std Lawton (OK) 07.1975
 - Nevada Airtours 28.01.1978
 - NEVADA AIR TOURS INC 29.03.1978
 - N-Reg. cancelled as exported to FRANCE 22.01.1979 
F-GBMJ EAS - Europe Aero Service 19.12.78
Broken up at Perpignan, France.

LV-HHB, Avro 748 Srs.1-105 c/n 1540

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LV-HHB, Avro 748 Srs.1-105 c/n 1540 (4)
LV-PJA First flew from Woodford 20.02.62.
 - Delivered to Aerolíneas Argentinas 24.03.62.
 - Arrived at Buenos Aires and named “Ciudad de Corrientes” 31.03.62.
LV-HHB Aerolíneas Argentinas re-registered 17.04.62.
 - Accidentado cerca de Saladas, Corrientes 30.08.1962 - debido a fallas de diseño se produce la apertura de la puerta trasera izquierda durante el vuelo y la consecuente caída al vacío de la tripulante de cabina en funciones. 
 - incidentetado 01.08.66 - Made a heavy landing at an unknown location necessitating a repair by a Hawker Siddeley working party.
 - YPF - Yacimientos Petrolíferos Fiscales, sold 28.03.73, reg. 10.04.73
W/O - Accidentado a 35 km N de Cutral Có, Neuquén 14.04.76. - Colisión contra el terreno desde una altitud de 4000 pies por desprendimiento del ala derecha seguido de la separación del empenaje horizontal izquierdo, 34 víctimas fatales, sin sobrevivientes. - TT. 25,753 hrs. 24,130 ldgs.

Ver :
PDF icon 11-1977 LV-HHB.pdf (3,818.80 kb)
 Air Accidents Investigation Branch (AAIB) - U.K.

Ver Roll Out: El Avro 748 en Aerolíneas Argentina

LV-HHC, Avro 748 Srs.1-105 c/n 1541

Foto, gentileza: Juan M. Leria Pastor
Avro 748 Srs.1-105 c/n 1541 (5)
First flew from Woodford incorrectly painted as LV-PJR. 02.04.62
LV-PRJ Repainted as such and delivered to Aerolíneas Argentinas 24.04.62
 - Arrived at Buenos Aires and named “Ciudad de Concordia”. 01.05.62

Ver fotos:
 LV-HHC, Aerolíneas Argentinas Re-registered 11.05.62
 - reg cld 25.02.77

G-BEKC, Dan-Air Services Ltd 28.02.77
 - Departed from Ezeiza on delivery 28.02.77
 - Arrived at Manchester from Reykjavik 08.03.77
 - 05.08.77 CofA issued 04.08.77
 - Entered service from Manchester to Newcastle as DA99KC
 - Withdrawn from service after operating its last flight from Belfast to Manchester, U.K. as DAN7302 21.11.87
 - Stored at Manchester 21.12.87
 - Noted robbed of numerous parts 26.04.89
 - B/U Dismantled with nose section going to Reflectone Inc for ATP simulator use while other parts sent to Woodford 05.1989.
 - Registration cancelled as transferred to the USA 21.10.92.
 - TT 37,199 hours, 35,272 landings.

Ver Roll Out: El Avro 748 en Aerolíneas Argentina

LV-HHD, Avro 748 Srs.1-105 c/n 1542

Avro 748 Srs.1-105 c/n 1542 (7)
LV-PUC First flew from Woodford 21.04.62
 - Delivered to Aerolíneas Argentinas 07.05.62
 - Arrived at Buenos Aires and named “Ciudad de Salta” 15.05.62

Foto: gentileza Sr.  Walter Villa
 LV-HHD, Aerolíneas Argentinas re-registered 24.05.62
 - accidentado en AEP, 03.05.64 - Un mecánico fallece al ser golpeado por una hélice.
 - YPF - Yacimientos Petrolíferos Fiscales ‘Neuquén’, sold 19.03.73, reg. 22.03.73
 - cese de bandera 24.03.77

G-BEKF Dan-Air Services Ltd 24.03.77
 - Painted as G-BEKF and ferried from Comodoro Rivadavia to Buenos Aires for pre-ferry maintenance 26.03.77
 - Departed from Buenos Aires on delivery 05.04.77
 - Arrived at Manchester from Reykjavik in YPF’s colour scheme 14.04.77
 - Ferried to Lasham with name ‘Neuquén’ on nose. 22.04.77
 - CofA issued. 09.07.77
 - Ferried to Aberdeen 21.07.77
W/O - Accidentado en Sumburgh, Shetland Islands, UK. 31.07.79. - La aeronave no puede rotar durante la carrera de despegue por tener el timón de profundidad trabado, colisionando contra el mar a 50m. de la costa. 17 víctimas fatales, 30 sobrevivientes. - TT. 29,007 hrs. 26,578 ldgs.
 - Registration cancelled as aircraft destroyed. 14.12.79
 - TT 29,007 hours, 26,578 landings.

LV-HHE, Avro 748 Srs.1-105 c/n 1543

LV-HHE, Avro 748 Srs.1-105 c/n 1543 (10)
LV-PUF First flew from Woodford 19.05.62
- Delivered to Aerolíneas Argentinas. 05.06.62
- Arrived at Buenos Aires and named “Ciudad de Resistencia” 13.06.62
LV-HHE, Aerolíneas Argentinas re-registered 29.06.62
- Entered service on 14.07.62.
- incidentado en 02.03.69 - daños 25%

Roll Out: El Avro 748 en Aerolíneas Argentinas
- YPF - Yacimientos Petrolíferos Fiscales reg. 14.04.75
- and painted in YPF full colour scheme 18.04.75
G-BEJD Dan-Air Services Ltd and painted as such on the same date 17.12.76 - Arrived at Manchester from Reykjavik in full Yacimientos Petrolíferos Fiscales colour scheme 24.12.76
- CofA issued and ferried to Newcastle 07.03.77
- Entered service on 08.03.77
- Interior stripped for use as a pure freighter without fitment of a large freight door 14.02.87
- Re-entered service on 31.03.87.
- Ferried from Heathrow to Manchester as DAN7301P for storage 28.03.92
- Janes Aviation Ltd sold on 15.07.92
- Delivered from Manchester to Blackpool as JAV78P 16.07.92 (17.07. also quoted).
- Ferried to Glasgow and entered service between Glasgow and Coventry the following day. 02.08.92
- Registered to Janes Aviation 748 Ltd (CofR G-BEJD/R2). Named “John Case” after JEA Engineering’s Quality Assurance Manager late 1992 and noted as such 03.08.92
- painted overall white 15.09.93
- Company renamed Emerald Airways Ltd. 15.09.93
- Painted in Reed Aviation’s colour scheme named “Sisyphus”. Reed titles and fin marks later removed. 11.1994
- Flew to Liverpool on last revenue flight as JEM916 18.02.05
- After an air test as JEM07T, ferried from Liverpool to Blackpool as JEM65E and withdrawn from use. 13.03.05
- CofA expired. 29.03.06
- Company’s AOC suspended. 04.05.06
- Sold to International Air Parts Pty Ltd. 16.10.06
- Registered to PTB (Emerald) Pty Ltd (CofR G-BEJD/R3). 12.12.06
- Registration cancelled as permanently withdrawn from use. 08.04.10
- Dismantled and fuselage transferred to the Speke Aerodrome Heritage Group for preservation with the wings following a day later. The engines and propellers had been moved earlier. 20.10.11
- TT 49,914 hours, 50,882 landings.

Click Here to view the photo
Preservado en: Crowne Plaza Hotel Liverpool John Lennon Airport, UK - England

LV-HHF, Avro 748 Srs.1-105 c/n 1544

LV-HHF, Avro 748 Srs.1-105 c/n 1544 (12)
LV-PUM, First flew from Woodford 09.06.62
 - Delivered to Aerolíneas Argentinas 30.06.62
 - Arrived at Buenos Aires and named “Ciudad de San Juan” 09.07.62

LV-HHF, Aerolíneas Argentinas re-registered 09.07.62
 - Entered service on 01.08.62.
 - incidentado - Nosewheel collapsed during take-off from General Pico, Argentina. Repaired. 06.08.63
 - Registration cancelled as cese de bandera 02.06.77
G-BEKD Dan-Air Services Ltd 10.06.77
 - Arrived at Manchester from Keflavik 18.07.77.
 - CofA issued and ferried to Aberdeen the same day.  26.10.77
 - Entered service on 26.10.77.
 - delivery from Lasham as Leased to Air Condal S.A. 04.07.83
 - Registration cancelled as transferred to Spain.
EC-DTP Air Condal S.A. named “Francisca” and later “St Raphael” 29.07.83
 - Visited Gatwick  11.04.84
 - acquired 10.1985.
 - Air Condal ceased operations and stored in Shannon for storage pending sale 21.01.86.
 - Rolled out as EI-BSF at Shannon in full Ryanair colours named “The Spirit of Tipperary”  03.04.86
EI-BSF Ryanair Ltd  21.05.86
 - Entered service as IW200 from Dublin to Luton 23.05.86
 - Withdrawn from service 07.01.87
 - Engines removed on 09.01.87
 - Registration cancelled as withdrawn from use 01.07.87
 - Fuselage used as a cabin crew trainer by Ryanair Ltd at Dublin by 1994.
 - Sold to Aer Rianta for use as a rescue trainer by the fire department. 09.1999
 - Trucked out to the Irish Air Corps base at Baldonnel- Casement for use by the fire service. 03.03.05
 - Moved to Fairyhouse Racecourse, County Meath in an emergency response exercise. 02.10.14
 - Moved to Weston Airport, Dublin for the use of the fire service by this date. 07.10.14
 - TT 37,234 hours, 34,039 landings.
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LV-HHH, Avro 748 Srs.1-105 c/n 1546

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LV-HHH, Avro 748 Srs.1-105 c/n 1546 (16)
LV-PVH, First flew from Hawarden where final assembly took place. 14.07.62
 - Delivered to Aerolíneas Argentinas 10.08.62
 - Arrived at Buenos Aires and named “Ciudad de Neuquén”. 18.08.62

LV-HHH, Aerolíneas Argentinas re-registered 27.08.62
 - Accidentado cerca de Quilmes, Bs.As., 04.09.1962 -  aterrizaje de emergencia en un campo debido a la apertura de la puerta posterior izquierda durante una verificación del sistema de enganche de la misma, por parte de un técnico de A.V.Roe, mientras cumplía un vuelo de traslado entre Aeroparque y Ezeiza. Sin víctimas.
W/O - Accidentado en Capitán Sarmiento, BsAs 19.12.1970 - Made a hard landing at Colonia Catriel, Argentina when operating flight AR682 from Esquel tearing off the nose leg, damaging both propellers and the fuselage. No fatalities among 4 crew and 24 passengers. Temporary repairs carried out and ferried to Buenos Aires, Argentina.
 - Declared as a write-off. 20.01.71
 - reg cld 21.06.72
 - TT 21,542 hours, 17,282 landings.

LV-HHI, Avro 748 Srs.1-105 c/n 1547

LV-HHI, Avro 748 Srs.1-105 c/n 1547 (17)
LV-PVF First flew from Hawarden where final assembly took place 20.07.62
 - Delivered to Aerolíneas Argentinas vía Stornoway and Keflavik 20.08.62
 - Arrived at Buenos Aires and named “Ciudad de Río Gallegos” 27.08.62
LV-HHI, Aerolíneas Argentinas re-registered 30.08.62

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W/O - Accidentado en Santa Rosa, LA PAMPA 27.11.69 - La aeronave realiza una aproximación nocturna visual y aterriza 3km antes de alcanzar la pista 19, recorridos 200m embiste una cerca deteniéndose en un descampado con cuatro tripulantes y 24 pasajeros, sin víctimas.
 - Registration cancelled 15.09.70
 - TT 20,149 hours, 16,099 landings.